CloudFabrix + Splunk
Better Together
Cisco + Splunk + CloudFabrix
Better Together
PlatformOps and IT Planning personas
- Asset visibility across Compute, Network, Storage, Apps, Licensing
- Asset Utilization and Capacity utilization
- Technology Refresh, Datacenter Migrations
- Infra Business Risk Assessment
NOC Admins in Splunk and new accounts
- Unified Network Observability and Automation
- Gain visibility for upcoming renewals
- App visibility for Change Management and Technology Refresh
- Campus Analytics
Application Admins in Cisco and new accounts
- Service Assurance
- Application Dependency mapping
- Cross-domain correlation with ITSI single pane of Ops
CloudFabrix Apps on
Splunk Enterprise & Splunk Cloud Platform
CloudFabrix Apps
Leveraging Splunk Data Platform
Unified Network Observability & Automation
AI Driven End-to-End Network Operations
Now available on Splunk Platforms
Introducing Splunkify Module for RDAF
What is Splunkify
- Module on CloudFabrix RDAF
- Provides Seamless Ingestion of Enriched Data into Splunk
- Transforms RDAF Dashboards & Apps to Splunk Apps
- Enable Automation in Splunk by leveraging RDAF automation capabilities
What are the Benefits?
- Combine the power of both platforms to expand the use cases
- Asset Intelligence
- Telco/SP Use cases
- Observability and more..
- Future Proofing Customer's Investment