Data Bots to Automate Repetitive Data Tasks

Our built-in AI/ML and Analytics Bots make data driven decisions a breeze. 1000+ bots and more

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Connect to AppDynamics and retreives Apps, Nodes, Metrics etc.

AWS CloudWatch


Connect to AWS-Cloudwatch and retrieves data for metrices, logs, filter events etc.


CFX Data Manipulation

Connect to Cfxdm and retrives data to filter, map, groupby etc.



Retreives inventory, metrics and alerts from Dynatrace

Elasticsearch Index


Read, Write, Update, Append data for specified Elasticsearch Index


Email Reader

Connect to Email and retreives data to read files etc.


Email Sender

Connect to Email and retreives data to send files etc.

Send Message to Teams


Send message to Microsoft Teams channel

Upload File to Sharepoint


Uploads dataset as a file to Microsoft SharePoint

Hadoop File System


Retreives files and objects from HDFS

IBM Watson NLP


Connect to Watson and retreives data for categories, concepts, keywords etc.

Jira Defects


Creates and retrieves incidents from Jira

Cisco Meraki

Cisco Meraki

Retreives performance metrics, health and alerts/events from Meraki cloud

MySQL Table


Connect to Mysql and retreives data for log data, inventory data etc.



Retreive key peformance metrics and stats from Oracle DB server



Connect to Rubrik and retreives data to load rubrik event data from file using filename parameter etc.

Slack Upload


Upload dataframe to specified Slack channel

SQL Lite


Connect to Database and retreives data for different tables etc.

VMware vCenter


Connect to VMware-VCenter and retreives data for hosts, datastores etc.

Generic Webhook


Connect to Webhook and retreives data to post alerts to OIA etc.

GCP Instances


Retreives Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Instances and their details

GCP Images


Retreives Google Cloud Platform (GCP) images and their details

GCP Volumes


Retreives Google Cloud Platform (GCP) volumes and their details

GCP Network


Retreives Google Cloud Platform (GCP) networks and their details

GCP Sub Networks


Retreives Google Cloud Platform (GCP) subnetworks and their details

GCP Addresses


Retreives Google Cloud Platform (GCP) addresses and their details

GCP Target Pools


Retreives Google Cloud Platform (GCP) target pools and their details

GCP Storage


Retreives Google Cloud Platform (GCP) storage containers and their details

GCP Projects


Retreives Google Cloud Platform (GCP) projects and their details

GCP Cloud Billing


Retreives Google Cloud Platform (GCP) billing details

New Block


Start a new block within the pipeline

Simple Loop


Start a simple looping block using 'loop_var' as list of values

Data Loop


Start a looping block using 'dataset' name of the saved dataset, and unique values from 'columns'

Count Loop


Start a looping block that counts from 'start' to 'end' with 'increment' numerical values

Timed Loop


Start a looping block that waits 'interval' seconds between each iteration

Bookmark Loop


Start a looping block that reads a specified bookmark name (bookmark must be saved as part of the loop block)

Save File


Save the file using filename, filetype and sheet parameters

Append File


Save to file using filename, if file exists, append the data. Supports only CSV format.

Dataset to Excel


Export specified datasets to an Excel file, each dataset as a different sheet. Returns summary of export.



Analyze metadata for the input dataset



Apply CFXQL filtering on the data



Map values using evaluate function. Speciy one of more column = 'expression' pairs



Inline mapping of columns 'from' using 'func' and save output to 'to' column



Partiallly or completely mask all values in specified columns

Any Non Null

*dm:func any_non_null

Returns any non null value from list of input values

SHA3-256 Checksum

*dm:func checksum

Compute SHA3-256 checksum of input (default md5 algorithm)


*dm:func concat

Adds prefix and suffix to the specified string


*dm:func datetime

Parses input string and converts into a epoch millis format number

Days Between

*dm:func days_between

Number of days between two datetime strings. If only one specified, compare diff between now and that timestamp.


*dm:func evaluate

Given an expression, evaluates the expression string

Fixed Value

*dm:func fixed

Returns a fixed value specified by the 'value' parameter.

Form Decode

*dm:func formDecode

Decodes input string to remove any URL encoded values.


*dm:func highest

Returns highest non-null value from the list of int values .

Hours Between

*dm:func hours_between

Number of hours between two datetime strings. If only one specified, compare diff between now and that timestamp.


*dm:func join

Joins input list using optional separator.

JSON Decode

*dm:func jsonDecode

Decodes input string into JSON object.

To Lower Case

*dm:func lower

Converts to lowercase text


*dm:func lowest

Returns lowest non-null value from the list of int values .

Map Values

*dm:func map_values

Maps input to using the specified name value dict.


*dm:func match

Matches a regular expression and extracts a specific value (if matched).

MD5 Checksum

*dm:func md5

Compute MD5 checksum of input

Minutes Between

*dm:func minutes_between

Number of minutes between two datetime strings. If only one specified, compare diff between now and that timestamp.


*dm:func replace

Replaces oldvalue with newvalue in the input string

Reverse Endian UUID

*dm:func reverse_uuid_endian

Reverse the input UUID endian (big endian to little endian, vice-versa)

Seconds Between

*dm:func seconds_between

Number of seconds between two datetime strings. If only one specified, compare diff between now and that timestamp.

SHA256 Checksum

*dm:func sha256

Compute SHA256 checksum of input


*dm:func slice

Slices a string or an array using specified indices.


*dm:func split

Splits input using specified 'sep' separator.


*dm:func strip

Strips white spaces from both sides of a string

Time Now

*dm:func time_now

Return current time in the specified string format. Default is ISO format.

Time Diff

*dm:func timediff

Time difference between two different time stamps

To Numeric

*dm:func to_numeric

Convert input value into numeric

To Datetime String

*dm:func ts_to_datetimestr

Proceses input number with specified 'unit' (s,ms,ns,excel_date)

To Upper Case

*dm:func upper

Converts to uppercase text


*dm:func uuid

Returns new UUID

Item Value in Dict

*dm:func valueRef

Extracts a specific item from input dict object.

Value When Null

*dm:func when_null

If the specified value is null, it uses the value as per 'value' param



Wait for a specified number of seconds before executing next step. Useful for timed loops.



Sort values using 'columns' with 'order'



Get first 'n' rows



Get last 'n' rows



Dedup rows using specified 'columns'



Compare input dataset against a 'base_dataset'

Drop Null


Drop rows if specified 'columns' have null values

Fix Null


Replace null values in 'columns' with specified value

To Type


Change data type to str or int or float for specified columns

Change Time Format


Change datetime from one format to another for all specified columns

Group By


Group rows using specified 'columns' and specified 'agg' function

Select Columns


Select columns using 'include' regex and/or 'exclude' regex

Merge Columns


Merge columns using 'include' regex and/or 'exclude' regex into 'to' column

Fix Columns


Fix column names such that they contain only allowed characters



Describe the input dataframe using optional 'columns' attribute



Create histogram using 'timestamp' column and user 'interval' binning

Data Binning


Create bins for numerical 'column' and bins specified by 'bins' parameter



Concatenate set of saved dataframes ('names'). Each dataframe must have been saved using dm:save



Explode a 'column' into rows by splitting the value using a 'sep' separator

Explode JSON


Explode JSON data into rows



Implode 'merge_cols' into comma separated list

Event Zoning


Compute event zones using 'groupby', 'created', 'resolved' columns

Intra Group


Compute noise reduction for each group using 'groupby', 'created', 'window' columns

Identity Discovery


Discover identities in the input dataset



Extract data using 'expr' regex pattern from 'columns'



Extract data using Grok syntax from a single column'

Save Dataset


Save the dataset with 'name'

Saved Dataset List


List of saved datasets

Recall Dataset


Recall (load) a previously saved dataset

Save Bookmark


Save the bookmark with 'name'

Bookmark List


List of saved bookmarks

Load Bookmark


Load a previously saved bookmark

Empty Dataset


Create an empty dataframe with optional columns

Add Row


Append a row to input dataframe, with specified column = value parameters



Enrich the input dataframe using a saved dictionary dataset

Filter Using Dict


Filter rows using a dictionary. Action can be 'include' or 'exclude'

Check Integrity


Check integrity of input data using 'rules' dataset and save results to 'errors' dataset

Fail If Shape


Fail the pipeline, if input dataframe shape meets criteria expressed using 'row_count' & 'column_count'

Metric Correlation


Computes correlation between columns specified as metric and value column



Transposes columns to rows

Pivot Table


Creates Pivot Table with index and columns



Unpivot a DataFrame from wide to long format

DNS IP To Name


Perform reverse DNS lookup to map IP Addresses to Hostnames on specified columns

DNS Name To IP


Perform DNS lookup to map Hostnames to IP Addresses on specified columns

AIA Express


Load the file using filename and pipeline type parameters

AWS EC2 My Images

*aws: :ec2:my-images

EC2 Images owned by this account in the region

AWS EC2 Volumes

*aws: :ec2:volumes

EC2 Volumes in the region


*aws-dev: :ec2:vpcs

EC2 VPCs in the region

AWS EC2 Addresses

*aws: :ec2:addresses

EC2 Elastic IP Addresses in the region

AWS S3 Buckets

*aws: :s3:buckets

S3 Buckets in the region

AWS Daily Costs

@aws: :ce:daily-costs

AWS Daily Costs in the region

Regression Analysis


ML Regression for timeseries data

Classify Training


CFX ML Classification training

Classify Prediction


CFX ML Classification prediction

Log Clustering


CFX ML: log clustering and save the model with 'model_name'

Log Prediction


CFX ML: log cluster prediction using pre-saved 'model_name'

Input Validation


CFX ML: Input validation for log clustering and save the report with 'result'

Output Validation


CFX ML: Input validation for log clustering and save the report with 'result'

Consul Status


Consul Status

Consul Metrics


Consul Metrics

Consul Datacenters


Consul Datacenters

Consul Nodes


Consul Nodes

Consul Services


Consul Services

Fortinet Logs


Fortinet security event log generator

Symantec IDS Logs


Symantec IDS Logs for Windows Hosts

CPU Data Gen


CPU Usage data

Memory Data Gen


Memory Usage data

Network IO Data Gen


Network IO Usage data

Splunk Logs


Log simulation for TM Splunk logs

Active Alerts Filters


Active Alerts Filter

Regression Jobs


Regression Jobs

Write Stream


Write data to specified stream in the data network

Slack Users


Retrieves Slack Users

Read Mail


Get emails from an IMAP Server

Istio Namespaces


Kiali/istio Namespaces

Istio Services


Kiali/istio Services

Istio Applications


Kiali/istio applications

Istio Workloads


Kiali/istio Workloads

Nagios Host


Tag to list all hosts in nagios

Nagios Host Status


Tag to list hosts status in nagios

Nagios Host Group


Tag to list all host groups in nagios

Nagios Host Group Members


Tag to list all host group members in nagios

Nagios Service


Tag to list all services in nagios

Nagios Service Status


Tag to list all services status in nagios

Nagios Service Group


Tag to list all services groups in nagios

Nagios Service Group Members


Tag to list all services group members in nagios

Nagios Logs


Tag to list all logs in nagios

Nagios Alerts


Tag to list all alerts in nagios



Semantic search based classification using a specified OpenAI engine

OpenAI Text


Do the text completion using OpenAI for specified input



Currently monitored targets



Metric Metadata



Target Metadata



Metric range over a time duration



Metric instant value, with optional timestamp



Currently monitored targets

Prometheus Metric


Inventory derived from metric, with timestamp



Read data using REST Client



Write input data using REST Client



Invoke APIs using REST Client. Input data is passed through to output.

Load File


Load rubrik event data from file using filename parameter



Provides container security vulnerability insights

ServiceNow Incidents


ServiceNow Incidents

ServiceNow Incident Update


ServiceNow Incidents

ServiceNow Change Requests


ServiceNow Change Requests

ServiceNow Query Table


Get data from specified ServiceNow table

ServiceNow Append


Append data to a ServiceNow table

ServiceNow KB Articles


Retrieve ServiceNow KB bases

ServiceNow KB Keyword


ServiceNow Knowledge keyword

ServiceNow CMDB


ServiceNow CMDB Relationships

ServiceNow Configure


ServiceNow CMDB All Configuration Items

ServiceNow Computers


ServiceNow CMDB Computers

ServiceNow Network


ServiceNow CMDB Network

TeamCity Builds


TeamCity Builds

TeamCity Changes


TeamCity Build Changes

VMware VROps


VMware vROps Resources

VMware VROps


VMware vROps Resource Properties

VMware VROps


VMware vROps Resource Relationships

VMware VROps


VMware vROps Alerts

VMware VROps VM Summary


VMware vRops Virtual Machine Summary

VMware VROps Datastore Summary


VMware vRops Datastore Summary

VMware VROps Hostsystem


VMware vRops HostSystem Summary

VMware VROps Datacenter Summary


VMware vRops Datacenter Summary

IBM Watson NLP


Identify categories in the input description using IBM Watson NLP engine

IBM Watson NLP Concepts


Identify concepts in the input description using IBM Watson NLP engine

IBM Watson NLP Keywords


Identify keywords in the input description using IBM Watson NLP engine

IBM Watson NLP Sentiment


Perform sentiment analysis on the input description using IBM Watson NLP engine

IBM Watson NLP


Perform summarization on the input description using IBM Watson NLP engine

Azure Instances


Azure Instances

Azure My Images


Azure Images owned by this account

Azure Volumes


Azure Volumes

Azure Networks


Azure Networks

Azure Network IPS


Azure Network IPs

Azure Network LBS


Azure Load Balancers

Azure Storage


Azure Storage Containers

Azure Insights Logs


Azure Insights workspaces

Azure Insights Analytics


Azure Insights log analytics

Azure Insights Metrics List


Azure Insights metrics

Azure Insights Metric Data


Azure Insights metric data

Azure Insights


Azure Insights metric alarms

Splunk Apps


Tag to list all installed splunk apps

Splunk Main Search


Tag for Index: main

Maria DB Table


Mysql Table cfxregistry.service

VMware vCenter VMS


VMware VMs

VMware vCenter Hosts


VMware ESX Hosts

VMware vCenter vSwitches


VMware ESX vSwitches

VMware vCenter Datastores


VMware ESX Datastores

PRTG Devices


To list all the devices in prtg

PRTG Sensors


To list all the sensors in prtg

PRTG Alerts


To list all the historical alerts in prtg

Time Filter


Apply time filter on specified timestamp column

Evaluate multi processing


Map values using evaluate function.

Map multi processing


Inline mapping of columns 'from' using 'func' and save output to 'to' column

Apply Data model


Apply specified data model to input dataframe.



Radomly sample 'n' number of rows

Add missing columns


Add columns if not found in the input

Drop null columns


Drop columns with a specified % of null values

Rename columns


Rename specified column names using new_column_name = 'old_column_name' format

Histogram groupby


Perform Groupby and then create histogram using 'timestamp' column and use 'interval' binning

Explode Timerange into windows


Explode a specified timerange into windows for events

Replace data


Replace data using 'expr' regex pattern from 'columns'

Dataset location


Get the location information for a previously saved dataset

Recall chunked


Recall (load) a previously saved dataset as a data stream. Loads num_rows in each chunk.

Enrich using ip cidr


Enrich the input dataframe using a saved dictionary dataset. Match IP address in input dataframe with CIDRs specified in the dictionary

Metric correlator


Computes correlation between metrics specified in metric label column

Object Add


Add object to a folder

Object Delete


Delete object from a folder

Object Get


Get Object from a folder

Object List


List objects for a folder

Object inline img


Convert object pointers from a column into inline HTML img tags

Object to File


Convert object pointers from a column into file

File to Object


Convert files from a column into objects

Object to Content


Convert object pointers from a column into content

Content to Object


Convert data from a column into objects

Object delete list


Delete list of objects

Set tracing context


Set the tracing context using name = value pairs

Apply alert rules


Unselect nodes in stack of given node types if there is no right link available

Logarchive replay


Read the data from given archive for a specified time interval

Logarchive save


Save the log data in given archive of given repository

Run Pipeline


Run a specified pipeline concurrently with specified number of processes

Run Pipeline by Row


Run one pipeline per each input row.

Pipeline by row multi processes


Concurrently run one or more pipelines. one pipeline per each input row.

Appdynamics Apps


Lists all installed Apps monitored in Appdynamics

Appdynamics Apps Backends


Lists all backened info of Apps monitored in Appdynamics

Appdynamics Apps Business Transactions


Lists all business transactions of Apps monitored in Appdynamics

Appdynamics Apps Nodes


Lists all nodes of Apps monitored in Appdynamics

Appdynamics Apps Tiers


Lists all tiers of Apps monitored in Appdynamics

Appdynamics Database collectors


Lists all collectors of databases monitored in Appdynamics

Appdynamics Database Servers


Lists all servers of databases monitored in Appdynamics

Appdynamics Apps Metrics List


Lists all metrics of apps in Appdynamics

Appdynamics Apps Metrics Data


Lists all metric data of apps in Appdynamics

AppDynamics Database Metrics List


Lists all metrics of databases in Appdynamicssource_typeappdynamics

AppDynamics Database Metrics Data


Lists all metric data of databases in Appdynamics

AWS EC2 Instance types


EC2 Instance Types in the region

AWS EC2 security groups


EC2 Security Groups in the region

AWS Subnets


EC2 Subnets

AWS EC2 Instances


EC2 Instances in the region

AWS EC2 My Images


EC2 Images owned by this account in the region

AWS EC2 Vpc peers


EC2 VPC Peers in the region

AWS EC2 Internet Gateways


EC2 Internet Gateway in the region

AWS ELBv2 Load Balancers


ELBv2 Load Balancers in the region

AWS EFS File Systems


EFS File Systems in the region

AWS CE Daily costs


CE Dailycosts in the region

Regression bulk train


ML regression training for multiple timeseries datasets.

Regression bulk anomalies


ML regression anomaly prediction for multiple timeseries datasets.

Save ML Dataset


Save the ML Datasets

Load ML Dataset


Load the ML Datasets

MySQL Alerts


Mysql Table alert_processor_.allalertsview

MySQL Incidents


Mysql Table cfxdimensions_ap.incident

MYSQL list Database tables


MySQL - get database tables

MYSQL Create table


MySQL - create tables



MySQL - get database table schema



MySQL - query the data from a database table

MYSQL Update


MySQL - update an existing record within a database table

MYSQL Append


MySQL - add a new record to an existing database table

Nagios Metrics


Tag to query performance metrics in nagios

Nagios Historical Metrics


Tag to query historical metrics in nagios

Nagios Predicted Metrics


Tag to query predicted metrics in nagios



ML Regression for a single timeseries dataset.



ML regression training for multiple timeseries datasets.



ML regression anomaly prediction for multiple timeseries datasets.

Restclient Read bulk


Read data using REST Client with the parameters provided in the input dataset

VMware vCenter Meta


VMware Metadata Creator

VMware vCenter Summary


VMware vCenter Summary

SSH Execute


Execute the command on the ssh node and get status, output and errors

SSH Write Data


Write the input dataframe to ssh node with specified filename

SSH Write files


Write each input row as file on ssh node. Expects 'filename' and 'data' columns

SSH Read Data


Read dataframe from ssh node with specified filename

SSH Read file


Read a single file form ssh node

SSH Read Directory


Read multiple files from a given directory on ssh node

Servicenow List tables


List all tables available in ServiceNow instance (CMDB, Incidents or others)

Servicenow Query table


Get data from specified ServiceNow table (CMDB or others), use CFXQL to filter the data.

Servicenow Append to table


Add a new record to ServiceNow table(CMDB or others)

Servicenow Update table


Update an existing record in ServiceNow table(CMDB or others)

Servicenow Meta


Get metadata of a specified ServiceNow table (CMDB, Incidents or others)

Servicenow List Incidents


List all incidents available in ServiceNow instance, use CFXQL to filter the data.

Servicenow Create incident


Create a new ServiceNow Incident

Servicenow Update incident


Update an existing ServiceNow Incident with new data

Servicenow Attach to incident


Attach a specified dataset as an attachment to ServiceNow incident.

ServiceNow CMDB Table relations


ServiceNow CMDB Relationships

Elasticsearch List indices


Lists all available indices on Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch MetaData


Reads the metadata from Elasticsearch index

Elasticsearch Read index


Reads the data from Elasticsearch indice(s).It is a data sink and expects 'index' param as an input.



Reads the Histogram data from Elasticsearch indice(s)



Updates the record(s) to an existing or a new index on Elasticsearch



Appends the record(s) to an existing or a new index on Elasticsearch

Minio Save


Save the dataset with 'name'

Minio SavedList


List of saved datasets

Minio Recall


Recall (load) a previously saved dataset

Minio Recal Chunked


Recall (load) a previously saved dataset as a data stream. Loads num_rows in each chunk.

Minio Save bookmark


Save the bookmark with 'name'

Minio Bookmark List


List of saved bookmarks

Minio Load Bookmark


Load a previously saved bookmark

Minio Save Template


Save the formatting template with 'name'

Minio Load Template


Load the formatting template with 'name'

Minio TemplateList


List of saved formatting templates

Minio Save ML Model


Save the ML Model with 'name' and 'model_type'

Minio load ML Model


Load the ML Model with 'name' and 'model_type'

Minio ML Model List


List of saved ML Models

Minio Stack Save


Save application Stack specified by 'name'

Minio Stack Load


Load application Stack specified by 'name'

Minio Stack List


List of application Stacks

Minio Stack topology


Create stack from input stacksource_typeminio

Minio Stack Generate


Generate stack from input topology dataset

Minio Object Add


Add object to a folder

Minio Object Delete


Delete object from a folder

Minio Object Get


Get Object from a folder

Minio Object List


List objects for a folder

Minio Object to inline Img


Convert object pointers from a column into inline HTML img tags

Minio Object to File


Convert object pointers from a column into file

Minio File to Object


Convert files from a column into objects

Minio Content to Object


Convert data from a column into objects

Minio Object to Content


Convert object pointers from a column into content

Minio Object Delete List


Delete list of objects

Agent RunDiscovery


Run the job to collect device data

Agent JobList


Get all job list

Agent Create Job


Creates a discovery job

Agent Update Job


Update a discovery job

Agent Delete Job


Delete given job

Agent Get Job logs


Get logs of given job

Agent Get Status


List all endpoints configured at this gateway and current status

Agent Object-types in model


List object types in the input trained model

Agent Detect objects in video


Detect objects in video files(s) using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)

Agent Detect faces in video


Detect Known or Unknown faces in the video.

Windows Generate Keberos ticket


Generate kerberos ticket using kinit utility

Windows Network Connections


Collects Windows TCP/UDP Network connections

Windows Processe Information


Collects Windows Process information

Windows Network Configuration


Collects Windows Network Interface IP configuration

Windows Services Information


Collects Windows Services information

Windows System Information


Collects Windows System information

Splunk Search-index


Query and filter log event records within an index in Splunk

Splunk List indexs


List of indexes available in Splunk

Splunk Add to index


Add log event records to an index in Splunk

Read Stream with Ack


Read one message at a time from the specified stream and send ack to publisher

Write Stream with Ack


Write input dataframe as messages to a specified stream. Each row is encoded as a JSON object. Ensures that subscriber has acknowledged the message

Write Stream


Write input dataframe as JSON message object to a specified stream.

Write Stats to Stream


Write input dataframe stats (row count, byte count) to specified stream.

Write Macaw Notification to asset Db


Send Macaw Notication to stream ASSET_DB_UPDATED to notify that a dataset has been upddated

Read Stream


Read one more rows from a specified stream in a chunked manner.

Dimensions List tags


Lists all available tags

Dimensions Read tags


Read Information from dataset.

Dimensions Meta


Metadata information

Kubernetes Endpoint addresses


Collects endpoint addresses information from Kubernetes

Kubernetes Endpoints


Collects endpoints information from Kubernetes

Kubernetes Service ports


Collects services ports information from Kubernetes

Kubernetes Services


Collects services information from Kubernetes

Kubernetes Configmap


Collects configmap information from Kubernetes

Kubernetes Deployment Volumes


Collects deployment volumes information from Kubernetes

Kubernetes Deployment Containers


Collects deployment information from Kubernetes

Kubernetes Deployment


Collects pod containers information from Kubernetes

Kubernetes Pod Containers


Collects pods information from Kubernetes

Kubernetes Pods


Collects pods information from Kubernetes

Kubernetes Nodes Images


Collects node images information from Kubernetes

Kubernetes Nodes


Collects node information from Kubernetes

Kinesis Read Stream


Read Data from a stream in AWS Kinesis

Kinesis Write Stream


Write Data to a stream in AWS Kinesis

kinesis Describe stream


Describe all shards of a stream in AWS Kinesis

Windows Inventory Generate Kerberos ticket


Generate kerberos ticket using kinit utility

Windows Inventory Netstat


Collects Windows TCP/UDP Network connections

Windows Inventory Processes


Collects Windows Process information

Windows Inventory Network -config


Collects Windows Network Interface IP configuration

Windows Inventory Services


Collects Windows Services information

Windows Inventory System-info


Collects Windows System information

Linux Netstat


Collects Linux TCP/UDP Network connections

Linux Docker containers


Collects Linux TCP/UDP Network connections

Linux Docker network


Collects Docker Container Network Interface IP configurations

Linux Processes


Collects Linux Process information

Linux Docker processes


Collects Docker Container Process information

Linux Network config


Collects Linux Network Interface IP configuration

Linux Services


Collects Linux Services information

Linux System-info


Collects Linux System information

Linux Docker Netstat


Collects Docker Container TCP/UDP Network connections

Dell EMC Unity Alerts


List all alerts in EMC Unisphere Unity

Dell EMC Unity Events


List all events in EMC Unisphere Unity

Dell EMC Unity System-info


List EMC Unisphere Unity System Information

Dell EMC Unity Service


List Service Information of EMC Unisphere Unity

Dell EMC Unity Hosts


List Host Information of EMC Unisphere Unity

Dell EMC Unity Disks


List Virtual Drives of EMC Unisphere Unity

Dell EMC Unity Luns


List LUNs in EMC Unisphere Unity

Dell EMC Unity Pools


List Storage Pools in EMC Unisphere Unity

Dell EMC Unity Storage Resource


List Datastores in EMC Unisphere Unity

Dell EMC Unity File system


List Files in EMC Unisphere Unity

Dell EMC Unity Cifs Shares


List SMB Shares in EMC Unisphere Unity

Dell EMC Unity Nfs Shares


List NFS Shares in EMC Unisphere Unity

Dell EMC Unity Nas Servers


List NAS Servers in EMC Unisphere Unity

Dell EMC Unity Iscsi Nodes


List iSCSI Nodes in EMC Unisphere Unity

Dell EMC Unity Ethernet Ports


List Ethernet Ports in EMC Unisphere Unity

Dell EMC Unity Interfaces


List Replication Interfaces in EMC Unisphere Unity

Dell EMC Unity Iscsi Interfaces


List iSCSI Interfaces in EMC Unisphere Unity

Dell EMC Unity Initiators


List Host Initiators in EMC Unisphere Unity

Dell EMC Unity Initiator paths


List Host Initiator Paths in EMC Unisphere Unity

Dell EMC Unity Fc ports


List Fibre Channel Ports in EMC Unisphere Unity

Dell EMC Unity Metric list


List all metrics in EMC Unisphere Unity

Dell EMC Unity Metrics


Query metric data in EMC Unisphere Unity

Cisco UCS C-Series PCI Inventory


Cisco UCS C-Series PCI Inventory

Cisco UCS C-Series Storage Inventory


Cisco UCS C-Series Storage Inventory

Cisco UCS C-Series Chassis Inventory


Cisco UCS C-Series Chassis Inventory

Cisco UCS CIMC meta creator


CIMC meta creator

Dell EMC Isilon Cluster Information


List all Nodes in Isilon Cluster

Dell EMC Isilon Drivers


List Drives in all Nodes of Isilon Cluster

Dell EMC Isilon Partitions


List Partitions in all Nodes of Isilon Cluster

Dell EMC Isilon Interfaces


List Network interfaces in all Nodes of Isilon Cluster

Dell EMC Isilon MAC Interfaces


List Network interfaces with MAC Address in all Nodes of Isilon Cluster

Dell EMC Isilon License


List Isilon Cluster and Software Licenses

Dell EMC Isilon Storage pools


List all Storage Pools of Isilon Cluster

Dell EMC Isilon Snapshots


List all Snapshots in Isilon Cluster

Dell EMC Isilon Nfs Exports


List all NFS exports of Isilon Cluster

Dell EMC Isilon SMB Shares


List all SMB Shares of Isilon Cluster

Cisco Nexus OS Show Version


Cisco NX-OS - show version command

Cisco Nexus OS Show Inventory


Cisco NX-OS - show inventory command

Cisco Nexus OS Show Vlan


Cisco NX-OS - show vlan command

Cisco Nexus OS Show Cdp Neighbors Details


Cisco NX-OS - show cdp neighbors detail command

Cisco Nexus OS Show Interface


Cisco NX-OS - show interface brief command

Cisco Nexus OS Show MAC Address table


Cisco NX-OS - show mac address-table command

Cisco Nexus OS Show Lldp neighbors Details


Cisco NX-OS - show lldp neighbors detail command

Cisco Nexus OS Show Flogi Database


Cisco NX-OS - show flogi database command

Cisco Nexus OS Show port Channel Summary


Cisco NX-OS - show port-channel summary command

Cisco Nexus OS Show Vpc brief Status


Cisco NX-OS - show vpc brief command

Cisco Nexus OS Show Vpc brief Summary


Cisco NX-OS - show vpc brief command

Cisco Nexus OS Show Zoneset Active


Cisco NX-OS - show zoneset active command

Cisco Nexus OS Show fcns Database


Cisco NX-OS - show fcns database command

Cisco Nexus OS Show Vpc peer


Cisco NX-OS - show vpc peer command

Motadata Monitor details


List all Monitors in Motadata

Motadata Alerts


List alerts in Motadata

Motadata Metrice


Get metric data from Motadata

Jira Tickets


Jira Tickets

Jira Create Issue


Create a new Jira Issue

Jira Update Issue


Update a Jira Issue given issue_id

Jira Transition Issue


Perform a transition on a Jira Issue given issue_id

Jira Add Comment


Add a comment on the specified issue

Infoblox Netmri Alerts


Collects current or historical alerts of managed devices

Infoblox Netmri Devices


Collects inventory summary data of managed devices

Infoblox Netmri Interfaces


Collects interfaces inventory of managed devices

Infoblox Netmri Device Components


Collects device-component inventory of managed devices

Infoblox Netmri Device Groups


Collects device group membership information of managed devices

Infoblox Netmri Vlan Members


Collects VLAN Membership inventory of managed devices

Infoblox Netmri LLdp Neighbors


Collects LLDP Neighbors data of managed devices

Infoblox Netmri Cdp Neighbors


Collects CDP Neighbors data of managed devices

Infoblox Netmri Topology


Collects topology or relationship data of managed devices

Infoblox Netmri Arp table


Collects ARP table data of end points

Infoblox Netmri Mac address table


Collects MAC address table data of end points

Infoblox Netmri Infra Devices


Collects Infrastructure devices data of end points

Infoblox Netmri Device Wireless


Collects Wireless devices

Infoblox Netapp


Collects Interface trunks data of end points

Infoblox Netmri Vlans


Collects Interface vLANs data of end points

Infoblox Netmri Switch fwd Neighbors


Collects Switch Forwarding Neighbors data of end points

Netapp Network broadcast Domains


List Network Broadcast Domains in ONTAP Cmode.

Netapp Network Ethernet ports


List Network Ethernet Ports in ONTAP Cmode.

Netapp Network fc ports


List Network Fibre Channel Ports in ONTAP Cmode.

Netapp Network fc interfaces


List Network Fibre Channel Interfaces in ONTAP Cmode.

Netapp lun Maps


List LUN Mappings in ONTAP Cmode.

Netapp initiator groups


List Initiator Groups in ONTAP Cmode.

Netapp Network Interfaces


List Network IP Interfaces in ONTAP Cmode.

Netapp Disks


List Storage Disks in ONTAP Cmode.

Netapp Cloud targets


List Cloud Tiers in ONTAP Cmode.

Netapp Events


List All Events in ONTAP Cmode.

Netapp Applications


List All Applications in ONTAP Cmode.

Netapp Nfs Connected clients


List NFS Connected Clients in ONTAP Cmode.

Netapp Qtrees


Retrieves qtrees configured for volumes.

Netapp Nfs export policies


List NFS Export Policies in ONTAP Cmode.

Netapp Cluster info


List Cluster Information in ONTAP Cmode.

Netapp Cluster Nodes


List Cluster Nodes Information in ONTAP Cmode.

Netapp Metrics


Collect metric data from ONTAP Cmode. 'uuid' can be provided through input dataset

PureStorage System Information


Collect system info from PureStorage

PureStorage Hosts


List Hosts from PureStorage

PureStorage Host Groups


List Host Groups from PureStorage

PureStorage Volumes


List Volumes from PureStorage

PureStorage Network Interfaces


List Network Interfaces from PureStorage

PureStorage Ports


List Ports from PureStorage

PureStorage Drives


List Drives from PureStorage

PureStorage Volume Groups


List Volume Groups from PureStorage

PureStorage Pods


List Pods from PureStorage

PureStorage Apps


List Apps from PureStorage

PureStorage Metric Data


Retrieve metric data from PureStorage

ManageEngine Opmanager Device Details


ManageEngine OpManager Device Details

ManageEngine ServiceDesk Get incident


View specific incident in Manage Engine Service Desk Plus

ManageEngine ServiceDesk Create Incident


Upload New incidents to Manage Engine Service Desk Plus

ManageEngine ServiceDesk Update Incident


Upload change to previously created incidents to Manage Engine Service Desk Plus

ManageEngine ServiceDesk List templates


Manage Engine Service Desk Plus List of Templates with their ID

ManageEngine ServiceDesk Attach file


Upload file to specific request in Manage Engine Service Desk Plus

ManageEngine Appmanager Alarams


ManageEngine Appmanager Alarms List

ManageEngine Appmanager Monitors


ManageEngine Appmanager Monitors List

ManageEngine Appmanager Monitor types


ManageEngine Appmanager Monitor Types

ManageEngine Appmanager Monitor groups


ManageEngine Appmanager Monitor Groups List

ManageEngine Appmanager Downtime Details


ManageEngine Appmanager Downtime Details

ManageEngine Appmanager Metric list


ManageEngine Appmanager Metrics List

ManageEngine Appmanager Metrics


ManageEngine Appmanager Metrics

ManageEngine Appmanager List dependencies


ManageEngine Appmanager Dependencies

PagerDuty Update Incident


Update one incident per each input row in PagerDuty

Cisco IOS Show VLAN


Cisco IOS - show vlan command

Cisco IOS Show Power inline


Cisco IOS - show power inline command

Cisco IOS Show ip-Interface


Cisco IOS - show ip interface brief command

Cisco IOS Show Inventory


Cisco IOS - show inventory command

Cisco IOS Show Interface


Cisco IOS - show interface command

Cisco IOS Show Etherchannel Summary


Cisco IOS - show etherchannel summary command

Write To Topic


Write data to specified Kafka topic

Poll Topic


Poll a Kafka topic for data and read the data

Index Patterns


List all available Kibana Index Patterns



List all available Kibana visualizations that are part of dashboards



List all available Kibana visualizations

Ansible Run Playbook


Run Ansible Playbook as specified in an input column. Add results as additional columns in output

NLP Scrape URL


Scrape link specified in 'url' column and retrieve title, and plain text content

NLP Scrape Content


Scrape the HTML content from specified 'input_col' and retrieve plain text content

NLP Sentiment Analysis


Do sentiment analysis on a specified input descriptive column

NLP Extract Nouns


Extract noun phrases from an input descriptive column

NLP Extract Keywords


Extract keyword phrases from an input descriptive column using Rapid Automatic Keyword Extraction (RAKE) algorithm

NLP Named Entity Recognition


Extract named entities from an input descriptive column

Save Jinja2 Template


Save the formatting template with 'name'

Load Jinja2 Template


Load the formatting template with 'name'

List of Jinja2 Templates


List of saved formatting templates

Apply Jinja2 Template


Apply specified formatting template for all input rows and produce one rendered row

Create Span


Create Spans from input timeseries data

Cisco UCSM Chassis


Cisco UCS Manager Chassis Inventory

Cisco UCSM Firmware


Cisco UCS Manager Firmware Details

Cisco UCSM Server


Cisco UCS Manager Blade/Rack Server Summary

Cisco UCSM Storage


Cisco UCS Manager Blade/Rack Servers Storage Inventory



Cisco UCS Manager Blade/Rack Servers Inventory

Cisco UCSM Memory


Cisco UCS Manager Blade/Rack Servers Memory Inventory

Cisco UCSM Network


Cisco UCS Manager Blade/Rack Servers Network Inventory



Cisco UCS Manager Blade/Rack Servers CPU Inventory

Cisco UCSM Fabric Interconnect


Cisco UCS Manager Fabric Interconnect Overview

Cisco UCSM FI Neighbors


Cisco UCS Manager Fabric Interconnect Neighbors

Cisco UCSM FI Eth Ports


Cisco UCS Manager Fabric Interconnect Ethernet Ports

Cisco UCSM FI FC Ports


Cisco UCS Manager Fabric Interconnect FC Ports



Cisco UCS Manager I/O Modules

Pagerduty Create Incident


Creates Incident in PagerDuty

Pagerduty List


Retrieves Incidents from PagerDuty

Send Twilio SMS


Sends a SMS using Twilio API service to listed recepient

Append to File


Save to file using filename, if file exists, append the data. Supports only CSV format.

Cisco Support


Lists product information of Cisco devices by product id(s)

Cisco Support Product Info (SN)


Lists product information of Cisco devices by serial number(s)

Cisco Support EoL/EoS (PID)


Lists EoX information of Cisco devices by product id(s)

Cisco Support EoL/EoS (SN)


Lists EoX information of Cisco devices by serial number(s)

Cisco Support EoL/EoS (Dates)


Lists EoX information of Cisco devices between dates

Cisco Support EoL/EoS (Version)


Lists EoX information of Cisco devices by software version

Cisco Support Product Defects


Lists bugs information of Cisco devices by bug id, PID, release, keywords etc.

Add To Repository


Adds artifact to Data Version Control (dvc) repository

Commit to Repository


Commits artifact to Data Version Control (dvc) repository

Pull from Repository


Pull artifacts from Data Version Control (dvc) repository

Add Checksum


Add a checksum to a dataset with a pass-prhase

Verify Checksum


Verifies checksum of a dataset with a pass-prhase. Throws error on failure

Encrypt Data


Encrypts dataset with cryptographic keys

Decrypt Data


Decrypts dataset with cryptographic keys

Add Signature


Adds a signature with cryptographic keys

Verify Signature


Verifies a signature with cryptographic keys

Synthetic Dataset


Generates a Dataset with synthetic data. Supports over 220 data types

Synthetic Data Fields


Lists data types that can be used to generate synthetic data. Supports over 220 data types

NATS Read Stream


Read messages from a specified NATS Subject

NATS Write Stream json


Wrte input datafdrame as messages to a specified NATS Subject. Each row is encoded as a JSON object

ManageEngine OpManager Alarms


ManageEngine OpManager Alarms List

ManageEngine OpManager Devices


ManageEngine OpManager Devices List

ManageEngine OpManager Interfaces


ManageEngine OpManager Interfaces List

ManageEngine OpManager Metric-list


ManageEngine OpManager Metric List

ManageEngine OpManager Metrics


ManageEngine OpManager Metrics Data

Cisco Intersight UCS Server Summary


Lists Cisco UCS Blade/Rack Server Summary

Cisco Intersight UCS Contract Status


Lists Cisco UCS Blade/Rack Server Contract Status

Cisco Intersight UCS Chassis Inventory


Lists Cisco UCS Chassis Inventory

Cisco Intersight UCS Alarms


Lists Cisco UCS Alarms

Cisco Intersight UCS FW Inventory


Lists Cisco UCS Firmware Inventory Details

Cisco Intersight UCS Server Storage


Lists Cisco UCS Blade/Rack Server Storage Inventory

Cisco Intersight UCS Server HBAs


Lists Cisco UCS Blade/Rack Server HBA Inventory

Cisco Intersight UCS Server Networks


Lists Cisco UCS Blade/Rack Server Network Inventory

Cisco Intersight UCS Server Memory


Lists Cisco UCS Blade/Rack Server Memory Inventory

Cisco Intersight UCS Server CPUs


Lists Cisco UCS Blade/Rack Server CPU Inventory

Cisco Intersight UCS FI Summary


Lists Cisco UCS Fabric Interconnect Overview

Cisco Intersight UCS FI Ethernet Ports


Lists Cisco UCS Fabric Interconnect Ethernet Ports

Cisco Intersight UCS FI FC Ports


Lists Cisco UCS Fabric Interconnect Fibre Channel Ports

Cisco Intersight UCS HCL Status


Lists Cisco UCS HCL Status Details

Cisco Intersight UCS IO Modules


Lists Cisco UCS I/O Modules Inventory

Datadog Events


List all Events in DataDog

Datadog Events by ID


Event details by ID in DataDog

Datadog Hosts Summary


List all Hosts in DataDog

Datadog Hosts Networks


List all Hosts Networks in DataDog

Datadog Hosts Disks


List all Hosts Disks in DataDog

Datadog Processes


List all Processes in DataDog

Datadog Containers


List all Containers in DataDog

Datadog Tags


List all Tags in DataDog

Datadog Metrics List


List all Active Metrics in DataDog

Datadog Metrics


Query metric data from DataDog

NetApp 7-Mode Volumes


List all Volumes in NetApp ONTAP 7mode

NetApp 7-Mode CIFS Shares


List CIFS Shares in ONTAP 7mode

NetApp 7-Mode Aggregates


List Aggregate Information in ONTAP 7mode

NetApp 7-Mode Network Configurations


List Active Network Configurations in ONTAP 7mode

NetApp 7-Mode FC Adapters


List all FCP Adapeters in ONTAP 7mode

NetApp 7-Mode LUNs


List LUNs in ONTAP 7mode

NetApp 7-Mode NFS Exports


List Active Network Configurations in ONTAP 7mode

NetApp 7-Mode Controller Info


List Controller Information of ONTAP 7mode

Purestorage Volumes


List Volumes in Purestorage

Purestorage Alerts


List Alerts in Purestorage

Purestorage Array Connections


List Array Connections in Purestorage

Purestorage Protection Groups


List Protection Groups in Purestorage

Purestorage App Nodes


List Applications Nodes in Purestorage

EMC Unity Alerts


List all alerts in EMC Unisphere Unity

EMC Unity Events


List all events in EMC Unisphere Unity

EMC Unity Sys Info


List EMC Unisphere Unity System Information

EMC Unity Service


List Service Information of EMC Unisphere Unity

EMC Unity Hosts


List Host Information of EMC Unisphere Unity

EMC Unity Disks


List Virtual Drives of EMC Unisphere Unity

EMC Unity Luns


List LUNs in EMC Unisphere Unity

EMC Unity Pools


List Storage Pools in EMC Unisphere Unity

EMC Unity Filesystem


List Files in EMC Unisphere Unity

EMC Unity CIFS Shares


List SMB Shares in EMC Unisphere Unity

EMC Unity NFS Shares


List NFS Shares in EMC Unisphere Unity

EMC Unity NAS Servers


List NAS Servers in EMC Unisphere Unity

EMC Unity Nodes


List iSCSI Nodes in EMC Unisphere Unity

EMC Unity Ethernet Ports


List Ethernet Ports in EMC Unisphere Unity

EMC Unity Metrics List


List all metrics in EMC Unisphere Unity

EMC Unity Metrics


Query metric data in EMC Unisphere Unity

Bulk Collect


Run bulk data collection queries provided through input dataframe and return agggregate output

Get Input


Return the input dataframe provided for this pipeline, if any

Collector Data in JSON


Get collected JSON data from a CloudFabrix EdgeCollector

Collector Data


Get collected raw text from a CloudFabrix EdgeCollector

Load Content from File


Load content from file specified by 'filename' column into 'content' column

Save Content to FIle


Save content from 'content' column into file specified by 'filename' column

Export Content to Zip


Export each row as a file into a ZIP file

Garbage Collection


Perform immediate garbage collection. Useful when dealing with very large datasets.

Fix Null with Regex


Replace null values in all columns that match the specified regular expression

Discover Identities


Discover identities in the input dataset

Save ML Model


Save the ML Model with 'name' and 'model_type'

Load ML Model


Load the ML Model with 'name' and 'model_type'

List ML Models


List of saved ML Models

Save Stack


Save application Stack specified by 'name'

Load Stack


Load application Stack specified by 'name'

List Stacks


List of application Stacks

Select Nodes in Stack


Select Nodes from stack based on provided criteria

Impacted Nodes in Stack


Impact Analysis on previously selected Nodes on stack

Filter Nodes in Stack


Filter stack Nodes/Edges based on previously selected Nodes/Edges on stack

Enrich using Rules Dictionary


Enrich using rule based dictionary which contains 'rule' column

Skip Block


Skip rest of the current block if input dataframe shape meets criteria expressed using 'row_count' & 'column_count'

Skip Pipeline


Skip rest of the pipeline if input dataframe shape meets criteria expressed using 'row_count' & 'column_count'

Check Columns


Check input columns for specific list of coumns that must exist or must not exist and take an action

Stats of a Metric


Computes all statistical parameters for each metric

CMDB Child to Parent


Traverse CMDB relationship like table to identify all possible paths from each child to all parent node(s)

CMDB Find Impacted Nodes


Traverse CMDB relationship like table to identify potentially affected child nodes for each parent node

CMDB Parent to Child


Traverse CMDB relationship like table to identify all possible paths from each parent to all child node(s)

Generate Stack


Generate stack from input topology dataset

Create Stack


Create stack from input topology dataset

Join Stacks


Create stack from input topology dataset

Stack Topology


Create stack from input stack

Convert XML to JSON


Parse XML document in a specified column and convert it into JSON

Cisco UCS Blade/Rack Server Summary


Cisco UCS Blade/Rack Server Summary

Cisco UCS Blade/Rack Server Contract Status


Cisco UCS Blade/Rack Server Contract Status

Cisco UCS Alarms


Cisco UCS Alarms

Cisco UCS Firmware Details


Cisco UCS Firmware Details

Cisco UCS Storage Inventory


Cisco UCS Storage Inventory

Cisco UCS HBA Inventory


Cisco UCS HBA Inventory

Cisco UCS Network Inventory


Cisco UCS Network Inventory

Cisco UCS Memory Inventory


Cisco UCS Memory Inventory

Cisco UCS CPU Inventory


Cisco UCS CPU Inventory

Cisco UCS Fabric Interconnect Overview


Cisco UCS Fabric Interconnect Overview

Cisco UCS Fabric Interconnect Ethernet Ports


Cisco UCS Fabric Interconnect Ethernet Ports

Cisco UCS Fabric Interconnect FC Ports


Cisco UCS Fabric Interconnect FC Ports

Cisco UCS HCL Status Details


Cisco UCS HCL Status Details

Cisco UCS I/O Modules Inventory


Cisco UCS I/O Modules Inventory

Cisco UCS C-Series CPU Inventory


Cisco UCS C-Series CPU Inventory

Cisco UCS C-Series Memory Inventory


Cisco UCS C-Series Memory Inventory

Cisco UCS C-Series Network Inventory


Cisco UCS C-Series Network Inventory

Cisco Meraki Networks


Cisco Meraki Networks

Cisco Meraki Network Devices


Cisco Meraki Network Devices

Cisco Meraki Network Clients


Cisco Meraki Network Clients

Data Network Write Stream


Write data to specified stream in the data network

NATS Write Stream Data


Wrte each row as a message, with subject and data columns to NATS

NATS Request/Reply


Wrte each row as a request, with subject and data columns to NATS. Output response in a 'response' column

NATS Statistics/Metrics


Get NATS Statistics as specified by the 'type' parameter

Data Network Read Stream


Read data from specified stream in the data network. This bot impements an infinite loop for receiving the data.

Data Network Poll Stream


Poll for data from specified stream in the data network. This bot usually used inside a loop.

Dynatrace Alerts


List all Problems in dynatrace

Dynatrace Hosts


List all hosts in dynatrace

Dynatrace Processes


List all processes in dynatrace

Dynatrace Process Groups


List all process groups in dynatrace

Dynatrace Applications


List all applications in dynatrace

Dynatrace Services


List all services in dynatrace

Dynatrace Metrics


List all metrics in dynatrace

Dynatrace Containers


List all Containers in dynatrace

Dynatrace Entity Types


List all entity types in dynatrace

Dynatrace Entity Info


List entity information in dynatrace

Dynatrace Metric Data


List all metric data in dynatrace

Zabbix - Host Inventory


Get Zabbix - Host Inventory

Zabbix - Host Group Inventory


Get Zabbix - Host Group Inventory

Zabbix - Metrics list


Get Zabbix - Metrics list

Zabbix - Metric data


Get Zabbix - Metric data

Zabbix - Alerts


Get Zabbix - Alerts

OpenStack Flavors


OpenStack Flavors

Openstack Hypervisors


List of hypervisors Configured

Openstack Servers


List of Servers Configured

Openstack Services


List of Services Configured

Openstack Networks


List of Networks Configured

Openstack Server Volumes


List of Services Configured

MySQL Alerts History


Retrieve MySQL Table Alerts History

Redfish - Server Chassis Inventory


Redfish - Server Chassis Inventory

Redfish - Server Storage Inventory


Redfish - Server Storage Inventory

Redfish - Server Network Inventory


Redfish - Server Network Inventory

Redfish - Server PCI Cards Inventory


Redfish - Server PCI Cards Inventory

Redfish - Server CPU Inventory


Redfish - Server CPU Inventory

Redfish - Server Memory Inventory


Redfish - Server Memory Inventory

REST API Read Bulk


Read data using REST Client with the parameters provided in the input dataset

VMware vCenter Alarms


Get VMware vCenter Alarms

VMware ESX Host Networks


Get VMware ESX Host Networks

VMware ESX Host Storage Adapters


Get VMware ESX Host Storage Adapters

cfxDimensions List Datasets


List bots asccoiated with Dimensions platform Datasets

cfxDimensions Bulk Download


Download dataset from Dimensions for a specified dataset bot

HubSpot CRM Data


Get CRM Data

Kiali/istio Graph


Generate service mesh Kiali/istio Graph

MQTT Publish json


Publish each input row as JSON encoded message to a specified topic

MQTT Publish Messages


Publish each row as a message with 'topic' column and 'payload' column. If payload column is a dict, it will be encoded as JSON.

MQTT Subscribe


Subscribe to a topic or topics and read messages as a stream

MQTT Simulate IOT Sensors


Simulate IoT Sensor telemetry data publication tothe MQTT broker. Input template describes sensors and locations involved in the simulation.

RDA Installed Libraries


List all installed libraries on the RDA System

RDA Installed Modules


List all installed modules on the RDA System

RDA License Status


Get license status of RDA system as a single row

Slack Post Message


Post a message specified Slack channel for each input row

SMTP Send Data


Upload dataframe to email recipient

SMTP Send Message


Send an email to the recipient

SMTP Send Bulk Mail


Send one email per row with 'recipient', 'subject', 'message' columns

Worker Execute


Execute the command on the worker node and get status, output and errors

Worker Write Data


Write the input dataframe to worker node with specified filename

Worker Write Files


Write each input row as file on worker node. Expects 'filename' and 'data' columns

Worker Read Data


Read dataframe from worker node with specified filename

Worker Read File


Read a single file form worker node

Worker Read Directory


Read multiple files from a given directory on worker node

Worker Git Pull Code


Pull latest code from GIT Repository

Convert to Kubernetes App


Convert Docker to Kubernetes for demoapp1

Kubernetes Get Pods


Get all active Pods from the Kubernetes system

Kubernetes Deploy App


Deploy app1 to the Kubernetes system

Kubernetes Expose App


Expose Services from App to Load Balancer

Kubernetes Get Public IP


Get public IP or Hostname for App

Kubernetes Get Logs


Get logs for App

Kubernetes Delete App


Delete app deployment from Kubernetes

Cisco ACI POD Data


APIC fabric pod data

Cisco ACI Node Data


APIC fabric node data

Cisco ACI Node Chassis


APIC fabric node chassis

Cisco ACI Node Equipments


APIC fabric node equipments

Cisco ACI Node Interface


Get APIC fabric node interface

Cisco ACI Node VLANs


Get APIC fabric node vLANs

Cisco ACI Node CDP


Get APIC fabric node CDP

Cisco ACI Node Topology


Retrieve APIC fabric node topology

Cisco ACI Tenants


List APIC tenants

Cisco ACI Tenants App Profiles


Get APIC tenants application profiles

Cisco ACI Tenants Bridge Domain


Get APIC tenants networking bridge domain

Cisco ACI Tenants L3-outs


Get APIC tenants networking l3outs

Cisco ACI Tenants VRFs


List APIC tenants networking vrfs

Create Peristent Stream


Create a persistent stream

Create Log Archive Repository


Create a log archive repository

Save logs to Log Archive


Save data to log archive

Replay Data from Log Archive


Replay data from log archive

Advanced Log Alerting and Filtering


Apply alert rules for advanced log alerts and filtering

VMware vCenter Networks


VMware ESX Host Networks

VMware vCenter Storageadapters


VMware ESX Host Storage Adapters

Arista BigSwitch Fabric Summary


Collects fabric summary

Arista BigSwitch Switches


Collects Switches

Arista BigSwitch Switch all Versions


Run show switch all versions

Arista BigSwitch Link


Run show link

Arista BigSwitch Switch all Interface


Run show switch all interface

Arista BigSwitch Switch Details


Run show switch details

Arista BigSwitch Swith Inventory


Run show switch inventory

Arista BigSwitch Swithch Management Ip


Run show switch management-ip

Arista BigSwitch Show endpoint


Run show endpoint

Arista BigSwitch Show tenant


Run show tenant

IBM AIX System Information


Collects System Info through prtconf, oslevel and uname

IBM AIX Network Configuration


Collects Network Configuration Information

IBM AIX Netstat


Collects Netstat Information

IBM AIX lsmpio -ql Information


Collects lsmpio -ql Information

IBM AIX Service Information


Collects Services Information



Show Mount point / disk usage output

IBM AIX lsmpio Information


Collects lsmpio Information

IBM AIX lsmpio -ar Information


Collects lsmpio -ar Information

IBM AIX lslpp -L all Information


Collects lslpp -L all Information

Dell EMC XtremIO Alerts


List all alerts in EMC XtremIO Storage Array

Dell EMC XtremIO Volumes


List all Volumes in EMC XtremIO Storage Array

Dell EMC XtremIO Storate Controllers


List all Storage Controllers in EMC XtremIO Storage Array

Dell EMC XtremIO Storate Controller PSUs


List all Storage Controllers PSUs in EMC XtremIO Storage Array

Dell EMC XtremIO SSDs


List all SSDs in EMC XtremIO Storage Array

Dell EMC XtremIO Slots


List all Slots in EMC XtremIO Storage Array

Dell EMC XtremIO LUN Maps


Lists LUN Mappings between Volumes and Initiator Groups in EMC XtremIO Storage Array



List all nvrams in EMC XtremIO Storage Array

Dell EMC XtremIO Local Disks


List all Local Disks in EMC XtremIO Storage Array

Dell EMC XtremIO LDAP Configs


List all LDAP Configurations in EMC XtremIO Storage Array

Dell EMC XtremIO ISCSI Routes


List all ISCSI Routes in EMC XtremIO Storage Array

Dell EMC XtremIO ISCSI Portals


List all ISCSI Portals in EMC XtremIO Storage Array

Dell EMC XtremIO Initiators


List all Initiators in EMC XtremIO Storage Array

Dell EMC XtremIO Initiator Groups


List all Initiator Groups in EMC XtremIO Storage Array

Dell EMC XtremIO Events


List all Events in EMC XtremIO Storage Array

Dell EMC XtremIO Data Protection Groups


List all Data protection Groups in EMC XtremIO Storage Array

Dell EMC XtremIO Clusters


List all Clusters in EMC XtremIO Storage Array

Dell EMC XtremIO Consistency Group Volumes


List all consistency group volumes in EMC XtremIO Storage Array

Dell EMC XtremIO Consistency Groups


List all consistency groups in EMC XtremIO Storage Array

Dell EMC XtremIO DAE Controllers


List all DAE Controllers in EMC XtremIO Storage Array



List all DAE PSUs in EMC XtremIO Storage Array

Dell EMC XtremIO DAE


List all DAEs in EMC XtremIO Storage Array

Dell EMC XtremIO Bricks


List all Bricks in EMC XtremIO Storage Array

Dell EMC XtremIO BBUs


List all bbus in EMC XtremIO Storage Array

Dell EMC XtremIO Targets


List all targets in EMC XtremIO Storage Array

Dell EMC XtremIO Target Groups


List all target groups in EMC XtremIO Storage Array

Dell EMC XtremIO Metrics


Get performance metrics in EMC XtremIO Storage Array